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Broken Glass (eddy styx)

She was a dancer
on dark paved streets,
she had vibrations in her soul
always music in her head.

Could not keep still,
her bare feet ever
tapping out the rhythm
of a distant melody.

Each day saw changes
on her preferred stage,
trash cans overflow
garbage in the streets.

Alarmed, a child pointed out;
"Look, Mom she's bleeding!"
(they looked on in shock)
As she danced on broken glass.

*eddy styx is my Male alter ego who writes dark poetry.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Last few words: 
eddy styx is my Male alter ego who writes dark poetry.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Broken Glass" exhibits a clear narrative and vivid imagery, which effectively conveys the story of the dancer on the streets. The use of details such as "dark paved streets," "music in her soul," and "dancing on broken glass" paints a poignant picture of the protagonist's life and circumstances.

However, the poem could benefit from more nuanced language and varied sentence structure. The use of more complex metaphors or similes could add depth to the imagery and make the poem more engaging. For example, instead of saying "she had music in her soul," perhaps consider a metaphor that conveys this idea in a more unique way.

The line "Alarmed, a child pointed out;" seems to disrupt the rhythm of the poem, as it is a bit longer and more complex than the surrounding lines. Consider revising this line to maintain the poem's rhythm and flow.

The note about 'eddy styx' being a male alter ego who writes dark poetry could potentially be integrated into the poem itself, perhaps as a footnote or an epigraph, to provide context without breaking the fourth wall.

Lastly, the poem could explore the character of the dancer more deeply. As it stands, the reader learns about her actions, but not much about her thoughts, feelings, or motivations. Providing more insight into her character could make the poem more emotionally resonant.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Hello, Eddy,
I felt the determination in this to feel joy in life, no matter where we are, or what life hands over to us. I also have a lot of questions about this individual, but wonder if I'd be missing the point to think too deeply about her. I'll wait for your response, and just leave her alone - seemingly content to dance.
Thank you!

I think I shall give her more attention in the form of poetry. But she needs a name, might I call upon you to do the honors? thank you for the inspiration.

*yours, eddy styx

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I can't imagine I could give her a name - you know her soooo well. It does feel like, the more I read your poem, the more powerful, yet delicate she becomes. I'll be back to catch what you decide!

what do you think of:

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Simone means "hearkening" "hear" "listen"
Seems appropriate!

and so she is named! thank you!

yours, eddy styx

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Well done!

I feel this woman's pain is so deep, she can't feel the glass cutting her feet. Numbness is a horrible side effect. I get the feeling she is transient due to the streets being her preferred stage. So dark and mysterious. Well done, eddy


sometimes the way to get beyond the worldly pains is to dance on broken glass. I am writing a poem now, about Simone...

*ever, eddy styx

you understand me so well...

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I am always intrigued by the life of a transient. I found the character portrayed to be sensitive and sweet. We all can learn and
gain more compassion, after all we too might end up on the street.

Our dreams lost! Lost on an ocean of turmoil! Soon a solution will arrive! Until then I will write!

many thanks for reading and commenting on this poem. I feel a kinship to her... in my younger years when I was running from myself...

*ever, eddy styx

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I like the general flow and pictures portrayed within the piece the final line is very strong. I feel it’s integral to end with a punch and you’ve done this like a bullet from a gun (and I mean that in a very good way) many of my poems I interchange between male and female characters. Or completely from a female point of view. Your Eddie Styx surely does help you to work through the darker side of your character. Of course all interesting people have a dark side and if it’s a source of catharsis for you I’m pleased to be a fellow traveller in your path toward healing and precious redemption thanks for allowing me to read this

eddy styx was born in the atmosphere of sexual child abuse. he gave me the strength to put a stop to it...thank you for recognizing my darker male side! Catharsis is the aimed goal...there are so very many memories which haunt. thank you for your visit and critique.

*love, Cat
*ever, eddy styx

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So sorry for your pain when your childhood should have been idyllic and full of love and support and nurturing of your gifts and it wasn’t. I know you said you were treated like a liar and less than you are without wishing to air too much in front of strangers or add to your suffering but at least you have your husband who loves you and friends who value you deeply love John xxx

Thank dear friend, I count you among them. xxx Cat

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I’m truly blessed that you do and ditto you have my email you can share anything be well dear Cat love John xxx

mindful that there are people out there who dance on broken glass,
barbed wire, sharp coral and hot pavement!
Funny, but they all seem to be in different places, not of this Earth.
I guess that there are infinite places, as many as there are people.
This is one of your best eddy!
You bring this girl into focus and make her live. I would love to see where this girl winds up,
maybe she gets home, maybe she doesn't. Maybe eddy, you can follow her?
Just to make sure she comes to no harm, of course.
Nicely done. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thank you for your thoughtful input on this poem. I deeply appreciate it. I wrote a second poem on the girl and her situation. I am working out some of the kinks before posting it. I hope you will give it some of your time. I greatly value your opinions!

*many thanks, eddy styx

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and always, ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Congratulations on your winning the weekly poetry contest. I agree with Geezer: This is one of eddy's best.


thank you!

ever, eddy styx
*always Cat

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