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Editing - draft

H8mongers Need Not Apply

Take your hate-filled rhetoric and hide under a rock with it.
We don't want you here
If you don't have a willingness to help build.
Take your emotional demolition derby elsewhere.
I will not drink the purple Kool-Aid
You offer so loudly.
I will not sip at your fountain of hate.
Until you can teach love,
You have no lesson to share.
Until you can share an uplifting message,
I will not hear your words.
True leaders do not destroy,
They construct good things for their followers.


My stomach turns
At the memory of loving you

I mistook the pain
For butterflies

Another Connection

Physically exhausted
Emotionally detached
Torn from my connection
My sacred communion
To some ethereal muse divine

Where the absence of words
has left me riddled with holes
dark and apathetic voids
aching to be smoothed over
patched and plastered
I replace with art

For words have become elusive
Feelings have not
In the silence of painting
I find respite
In the flowing water
brilliant pigments find life
within the sovereignty of
serenity and acceptance


"My Morticia, you're an ice-cold bitch,"
he thinks, unto himself.
"You don't believe my need for you,
you try to put me on the shelf."

From inside Morticia's head:

"We've so few that pass this way,
perhaps no one comes for years,
please dear one, we'll be good,"
in little sister's voice of tears"

"Very well", she murmurs
slight put out at this.
She braces for his ardent hug,
his smoldering lips, up in a kiss

Revised Bucket List

When I was young, I made a list
Of things I hoped to do and see
Before I felt death’s cold hard fist.
It was a detailed list, indeed.
But years have passed, and goals change, too,
As age and money interfered.
My modern list, revised and true,
Gives me joy as I persevere.
The first goal now: to give more love
To everyone within my reach.
To lift them up as high above
The mundane as I can, and teach
Them to believe in their own worth.
My next goal is to stretch my heart
To bring more people of the earth

Guardian Angel

Only the wanting remains
as the struggle goes unspoken
with tears on the horizon,
whispering her name.

She feels the stirring echoes
of your heart's gentle touch
she could never tell you
she misses you so very much

Now you're her special angel
watching down from above,
guiding her uncertain footsteps
tenderly with all your love.

Knowing your spirit never left her
will bring her comfort from the pain,
when the struggle goes unnamed
your love gives shelter from the rain.

To Unlove You...

I'm learning how
To unlove you

It hurts worse than loving you,
Knowing you don't love me back.

Too Little, So Much

I have spent it all, every bit
Of energy, of emotion.
I’ve used up every shred of it
On wasted acts, empty motion.
I am overdrawn in my heart,
Just like my empty bank account.
No money left, no drive to start
Anew to build something to count.
No more hunger to feel a touch
From someone who might love or care.
The void inside once held so much.
Now only painful loss waits there.
Life's overdrafts have left nothing.
So much taken, too little left
To keep my broken heart going.


Soft breeze
carrying fat bees.
Their bums dusted in pollen,
leaving yellow blobs on cotton
as the laundry waves at passers by.

Intoxicating, Love

Stuck in your same ol' ways

Smoking your lungs black
Drinking your liver to death

Risking everyone's lives,
Including your own
Just to drive home to me

I wish you wouldn't come home.

The weight
Of carrying you from the bathroom to our bed
Cleaning the remnants of your sins off the floor
Watching you hold on for your life
The smell alone could intoxicate me

It's too much.

I can't stop you
I can't save you
And I can't unlove you...


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