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I am undone!

The morning came
I gazed into the sun
I gave my soul
to see the holy one
My heart was broken
He came to rescue me
I wandered aimlessly
through grief and fear
My head hung down
I cursed my worthless birth
I hoped to die,
but could not squelch
my will to live
My only wish
a green and peaceful hill
Outside the gates
of life’s insanity
If you could know
the kind of pain I feel
then maybe you
could understand?

Last few words: 
If poetry is putting feelings into words, this is how I feel today and most of this week.
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Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem, "I am undone!" presents a vivid depiction of emotional turmoil and the search for solace. The use of first-person narration effectively conveys a sense of personal struggle and introspection. The poem might benefit from a more consistent rhythm or rhyme scheme to enhance its musicality and flow.

The poem's imagery is potent, particularly in lines like "I gazed into the sun" and "My only wish a green and peaceful hill." However, the poem could benefit from more specific and unique imagery to further engage the reader's senses and emotions.

The poem's theme of struggle and redemption is clear, but the transition from despair to hope could be more smoothly executed. The shift seems abrupt in the line "He came to rescue me." Providing more context or development could make this transition more believable and impactful.

The question at the end of the poem, "then maybe you could understand?" effectively invites the reader to empathize with the speaker's experience. However, the poem could benefit from more exploration of this idea throughout the text to deepen the reader's engagement and understanding.

The use of language in the poem is straightforward and accessible, but the poem could benefit from more varied and sophisticated language to enhance its depth and complexity. For example, more metaphorical or symbolic language could add layers of meaning to the poem.

Overall, the poem effectively conveys a sense of emotional struggle and the search for hope, but could benefit from more consistent rhythm, more specific imagery, smoother transitions, deeper exploration of themes, and more varied language.

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I don't pretend to suffer more than others. I just express the way I feel!

Our dreams lost! Lost on an ocean of turmoil! Soon a solution will arrive! Until then I will write!

author comment

Your poem describes the way I feel, and attitude I have when I am off my meds! you are a dear friend of many and I think they would agree with me saying that you are worthwhile! You are loved!

*hugs xxx Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

You are so kind! They have reduced my meds lately and I am feeling it. I will question my doctor tomorrow. Thank you for commenting.

Our dreams lost! Lost on an ocean of turmoil! Soon a solution will arrive! Until then I will write!

author comment

some medical reason for reducing the meds?
It may be that the physical detriments to your overall health, are more than the benefits.
Of course, you should ask your doctor if that it so. It may be just an intitial downturn
and will improve some over the bext week or so.

As to your poem...
I don't like the theme, who would, but I do understand,
and you have made it clear, without being maudlin.
I hope that you feel better soon, ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

You are right it was my idea to reduce my meds. I just want to feel something, anything. I did however do it under my doctors supervision. I didn't just do it on my own. They wanted it also.

Our dreams lost! Lost on an ocean of turmoil! Soon a solution will arrive! Until then I will write!

author comment

that things work out for you. I understand the need to feel. Maybe you should look at the feeling that you want feel? It does seem to me that your meds were working, and you did/do feel something. You worry that you are not feeling, but is that not feeling? ~Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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