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Death's Kiss

Drowning in blood soaked regrets,
Razor's edge, cuts deep.
intrusive thoughts begin to seep,
soaking bed sheets as I weep.

Neverending torture, how I tried
to break the invisible chains that bind.
Stumbling, falling, nearly blind.
Was it so hard for you to be kind?

Time is a thief, for the things we love,
yet stood still while I burned at the stake.
How do you sleep under all that fake,
there is no give, only what you take.

Barbed wire and roses, laid at my feet,
as I slowly sink and fade into the abyss.
To be greeted by the one and only Death's kiss,
an unholy sanctuary from a life I won't miss.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
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Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

This poem effectively utilizes vivid imagery and metaphor to convey a sense of despair and longing for release. The use of phrases such as "razor's edge," "drowning in blood soaked regrets," and "barbed wire and roses" paint a stark, visceral picture of the speaker's emotional state. This helps to engage the reader and evoke a strong emotional response.

However, the poem could benefit from a more consistent rhythm and meter. The varying line lengths and syllable counts can disrupt the flow of the poem and make it more difficult for the reader to follow. By establishing a more consistent rhythm, the poem could become more musical and pleasing to the ear.

The theme of the poem is clear and well developed, but the speaker's relationship to the "you" in the poem could be further explored. The reader is left with questions such as: Who is this person? What did they do to the speaker? How did they contribute to the speaker's current state? Providing more context could make the speaker's emotions and experiences more relatable to the reader.

Lastly, the final stanza could be reworked to provide a stronger conclusion. The current ending feels somewhat abrupt and does not fully resolve the tension built up in the previous stanzas. By extending the final stanza or adding another, the poem could provide a more satisfying resolution and leave a stronger impression on the reader.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Talk about laying your heart on the table, this is honest, vulnerable and beautiful. I love most especially the last line, naked but unashamed. I have a similar poem I'd love for you to take a look at. I'll post it soon.

Love to take a look at your poem. This was a very raw write for me. Glad you enjoyed it


author comment

ow... this poem is saturated with pain. pain so palpable as to give birth to a cleansing of your soul. I feel new depths of you in the honesty of your words! Keep on growing in your understanding of yourself and give us your poetry, please...

*hugs, Cat xxx

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thank you for your kind words and praise. Yesterday was a really rough day and this poem was the result. It was very raw. Just when you think you have healed, something happens that reminds you that you haven't.


author comment

Hello, Carrie,
"Barbed wire and roses, laid at my feet..." Such a fantastic line and image. Brutal and soft - truly human.
Thank you!

For your comments and read as always. I like that line as well.


author comment

Hi Carrie,
I love the format of this poem and think this is one I may try in the future? Thank you for the example.
The subject matter is like others have said it has raw and visceral elements that reflect the poets emotions.

In the first stanza, should line 1 become line 2 to maintain the format?

Drowning in blood soaked regrets,
Razor's edge, cuts deep.

Wonderful poem filled with your essence. Ruby :) xx

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

Thank you for the read and comment. I will look at your suggestion and see if I can make it work. This was a very raw emotional write for me. Glad you enjoyed.


author comment

As sweet as any...
I have the idea, that barbed wire and roses are laid at your feet by two different sources.
Of course, I may be reading my own observations and thoughts, as I am closer to the source than most.
At any rate, I feel the angst and the emotional turmoil. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Truth in this write and I believe you are probably right about the two different sources. I thought you may understand. Glad you liked it and understood it.


author comment

when one come around late the praise has already been given. So I am left with naught but a few suggestions:
line 8 try was it impossible for you to be kind? line9 try deleting "cruel". Well that's all I have lol. As to content I hope this poem doesn't contain too much truth

Thank you for the suggestion, the read and comment. Glad you enjoyed this and good to hear from you as always.


author comment

Another incredible writing. It hurts to see others in so much pain. If I might offer a suggestion as to this feeling you're experiencing . Try washing dishes in warm soapy water to distract you from the agony.I hope to read more soon. - John

Our dreams lost! Lost on an ocean of turmoil! Soon a solution will arrive! Until then I will write!

For the comment and read and the suggestion. Glad you enjoyed.


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