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At the Bottom

It curls into my head
like cigarette smoke
above a whiskey glass,
Settle on ice;
you cannot stay
so cold forever.
You have to look down
from the ledge
to see how far
you’d fall,
to see how small
of a step it is
to think twice.

It finds me below
a quarter September moon
on a Saturday night,
hanging with hues of gold.
Linger on a horizon;
someday you have to
know when to move
before morose shadows
engulf you whole,
before the ghosts find you
and drag you back.

It swirls at the bottom
of a bottle.
Is it half empty like me
or is it half full
like maybe life should be?
Keep looking up;
sometimes you must
find light from rock bottom
to realize you can’t stay wasted
on drink and depression
to realize
you are worth it.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "At the Bottom" demonstrates a strong use of imagery and metaphor, particularly in the first stanza with the comparison of thoughts to cigarette smoke curling above a whiskey glass. This vivid image effectively conveys a sense of melancholy and introspection. The recurring theme of looking down, looking up, and looking within, provides a cohesive structure to the poem and underscores the introspective nature of the piece.

The use of the phrase "half empty like me or is it half full like maybe life should be?" is a familiar trope, but it is used effectively here to encapsulate the speaker's struggle with perspective and optimism. However, the poem could benefit from a more unique or personal take on this concept to avoid cliché.

The rhythm and flow of the poem could be improved. The inconsistent line lengths and abrupt shifts in rhythm can be jarring and disrupt the flow of the poem. Consistent rhythm can help to guide the reader through the poem and enhance the emotional impact of the piece.

The poem's message of resilience and self-worth, while powerful, could be conveyed more subtly. The final lines "to realize you can’t stay wasted on drink and depression forever, to realize you are worth it" are somewhat direct and explicit. Allowing the reader to arrive at this conclusion more organically through the use of imagery and metaphor could enhance the emotional resonance of the poem.

In terms of language, the poem employs a relatively simple vocabulary. While this can enhance the accessibility of the poem, incorporating more complex or unusual words could add depth and richness to the poem's imagery and tone.

Lastly, the poem could benefit from a more rigorous exploration of its central themes. The themes of introspection, depression, and resilience are introduced but not fully developed. Delving deeper into these themes could add complexity and depth to the poem.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Why was this written? I ask because of the last line?
We are all worth being loved, that is a birth right..
Thanks for this beauty of a composition,

"Ghosts of electricity howl in the bones of her face."
~Bob Dylan~

I can't really say why I wrote this, it just came to mind. A thought I merely expanded upon. Thank you for reading.

author comment

Wow! Another awesome poem.

This “it” you speak of, that invades you – is it….hope? nagging at you? telling you to not give up? Not to let the alcohol and depression have their way with you, to fall in love with you. And you, doubt the hope, but also, want to believe it? but, your hesitant to grab on to that hope again. Or is this "it" ...the thing nagging at you to just give up and jump? - metaphorically, or literally?

So much to think about -- maybe because I’m reading my own meaning into it. Which is cool too! I love a poem that can leave that kind of air between the lines, like a good song.

not a wasted word in this poem. everything has a punch.

On a side note -- sometimes what I do is: forget about the half full or empty glass analogy – I pour the whole thing into a smaller glass. And then, I’m happy for awhile. It works like a charm – cleaving off those pesky hopes and dreams until maybe, I’d even be totally happy sleeping in a cardboard box, as long as it was the best box on the street. But…then I realize that strategy doesn’t work either. You have to keep those darn dreams alive – those little buggers are worth it. you can’t kill them off, because they are you. They are the best of you. they are your childhoods innocence and what God gave you to light the way home…

When I get down, I try to think of God smiling down at me -- the same way I smile down on the children in my life that I love – I want so bad for them to be happy and follow their dreams. I think of God like that, looking down at me, and I look back up and smile, and I try again. It works with or without a specific propositional religious believe -- it's just that something wants the best for us, I know it.

Anyway....’m sorry for rambling and getting off point, but I want you to know that your poem just did all that to me! Bravo. I wouldn’t change a word.


Sometimes even I am not sure what that "it" is. I just felt something pulling on my mind needing out. I suppose in this instance, "it" can be whatever it is that plagues anyone's mind who reads this!

Dreams are life. They are purpose and meaning. Without dreams, I never would have survived what I have and still been here to write. Never would have walked away from that metaphorical and literal ledge.

Oh, ramble away! There is nothing wrong with letting your thoughts out. Thank for taking the time to read and ramble!

author comment

I wouldn't change a word, this tells the tale
with a minimum of words yet leaves nothing out.

Of course, we all have things we would change in the past, if we could,
but since we can't, let's not waste any time in changing the things that we can, for the future. I'm glad to have made your acquaintance. I hope to see much more from you. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

It's been a total pleasure so far to have met you, and everyone else here.

author comment

I have always thought there was something mystical about smoke. It enhances the journey of this piece. Moon cycles are also a force to be met and considered! Shadows have depths/shades and you touch on this in your poem. My favorite section is this:

It finds me below
a quarter September moon
on a Saturday night,
hanging with hues of gold.
Linger on a horizon;
someday you have to
know when to move
before morose shadows
engulf you whole,
before the ghosts find you
and drag you back.

This poem is perfect and I would not change a word of it, not wake those ghosts!
*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

You should enter this poem for (New Member Contest) it is fantastic!

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thanks! I will take a look into this!

author comment

I don't smoke cigarettes anymore but I do miss it, and miss watching the smoke dance over a contemplative drink. But alas, one's health must come first.

Moon, smoke, and shadows are some of my favourite imagery. Mystical, witchy, and mysterious. I love both the vibrancy of flowers and sunshine and the deep quiet of nighttime and moonlight. Thank you for stopping by once more!

author comment

You can depend upon me reading and commenting on your elegant and eloquent poetry!

*hugs, Cat >{^*;*^}<

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

And they still find their way into my dream world at times.
Nighttime is the right time ;)

"Ghosts of electricity howl in the bones of her face."
~Bob Dylan~

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