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Fake Fear

What you don’t like,
Being confronted?
What are you scared of?
People that call you out,
Or do you prefer
On your plane that
Never takes off?

Did I hit a soft spot?
Am I making you doubt?
Oh, are you realizing
You are just a disorder
That walks around
Like Zeus on Olympus?

Oh, fear, introduce
Yourself to the
Souls you fooled
Into accepting you
Like the bad check you are.

You have no kingdom,
Just occupy nations
That have no army to
Send you back to the
Pits of nothingness.

Yeah, at times you play
Ping pong with my thoughts.
Still, you haven’t won, just
Made my brain exercise.

I might need a pill or two.
You need someone,
Suffering as your prey.
You’re a jester that
Bought a crown
At a Halloween store.

Let the world meet
The imposter that
Might make a
Heart race.
Still, it will not
Step into the ring
To fight my faith.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Fake Fear" presents a strong and defiant voice against fear, personifying it as an imposter, a jester, and a disorder. The use of direct address to fear makes the poem engaging and confrontational, which effectively communicates the speaker's defiance.

In terms of structure, the poem could benefit from a more consistent rhythm or meter to improve its flow. The irregular line lengths and inconsistent rhythm can make the poem feel disjointed. Experimenting with a more consistent structure could help to enhance the overall impact of the poem.

The use of metaphors and similes in the poem is effective in conveying the speaker's attitude towards fear. For example, the lines "You’re a jester that / Bought a crown / At a Halloween store" paint a vivid picture of fear as a pretender to power. However, some of the metaphors could be further developed or clarified to enhance their impact. For instance, the metaphor of fear as a "bad check" could be expanded upon to make its meaning more clear.

The poem's theme of confronting and overcoming fear is a powerful one, and the speaker's defiant attitude is effectively conveyed. However, the poem could benefit from a more nuanced exploration of fear. While the poem does touch on the idea that fear can be a motivator or a source of strength ("Still, you haven’t won, just / Made my brain exercise"), this idea could be further developed to add depth to the poem's portrayal of fear.

Overall, "Fake Fear" is a bold and defiant poem that effectively personifies fear. With some adjustments to its structure and a more nuanced exploration of its theme, it has the potential to be even more impactful.

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