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Questions Of Faith

Somebody asked me
Why do I carry on?
I replied, to let
Darkness know—
A light in my soul
Is plugged into a generator
Running on hope.

He asked, Where do you find faith?
I replied, it’s not something
You hold—
It’s like the sky,
Always there,
Waiting for when
It's needed.

He asked, How do you know
The storm will pass?
I answered,
I do.
Every morning,
The sun rises
As the storm
Retreats to its quarters.

He continued, Aren't you angry
That you're losing
A loving soul?
I replied, no.
One day,
I’ll hear their
Voice again.

He asked, Are you angry
With your God?
I answered,
How could I be mad
At the one
Who’s never let me down?

He asked, If you could say
One last thing,
What would it be?
Know you are loved,
And no worry
Should ever
Stop you from

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Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Questions Of Faith" is a thoughtful exploration of the speaker's faith and resilience in the face of adversity. It effectively uses a question-and-answer format to delve into complex themes such as hope, faith, loss, and belief in a higher power.

However, the poem could benefit from more concrete imagery and metaphors. For instance, the line "A light in my soul/Is plugged into a generator/Running on hope" is a powerful metaphor, but such instances are infrequent. More of these could add depth and richness to the poem.

The poem also tends to tell rather than show. For example, the line "How could I be mad/At the one/Who’s never let me down?" tells the reader about the speaker's feelings towards God, but it doesn't show these feelings through actions, experiences, or images.

The rhythm and flow of the poem could also be improved. Some lines are much longer than others, which can disrupt the rhythm. For instance, the line "He continued, Aren't you angry/That you're losing/A loving soul?" is much longer than the lines around it.

Lastly, the poem might benefit from a more consistent use of punctuation. For instance, some questions end with a question mark, while others do not. Consistent punctuation could improve the clarity and flow of the poem.

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