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America at a critical political crossroads...,

nevertheless hope springs eternal,
especially after listening
to Vice President Kamala Harris
and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz
speak at the The Liacouras Center
1776 North Broad Street,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19121
on the evening of August sixth,
two thousand and twenty four.

The team of aforementioned
able bodied, minded
and spirited Democratic candidates
infused the packed house wife fore
husbanding gusto with unbridled optimism
analogous to a religious revival meeting
minus the heavy dose of preaching
offering a refreshing alternative
to the diabolic, shambolic,
and vitriolic wickedness.
heaped out courtesy
Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.

Listening to the vigorously
vibrant aforementioned woman
found me spellbound
hypnotized - able, eager, ready and willing
to exercise my leftist right to vote
grateful to reside in a country
where the opportunity to witness
a figurative earth shaking event.

Hence yours truly
pitching electioneering, albeit Democratic ticket...
as 2024 presidential election nearing
pleading joshing, and endearing.

The choice for commander in chief dum...
dum... dum... dum..
will winnow down, thus
political prognosticator pundits
no longer remain mum
between Donald John Trump,
whose second term win,
would find yours truly
feels uncomfortably numb
versus Kamala Harris could infuse flickering

uneasiness among electorate
(quite a few skool
of hard knocks alum
including yours truly),
who attests surfing cyber seas
as seasoned beach bum
up until this moment
feeling rather glum
regarding fate of American democracy
fizzling, muckraking, and sputtering
linkedin with kickstarting,

snapchatting, and twittering
along ever so ho hum
awaiting fateful deliverance
as dueling banjos strum
meanwhile irritable bowel syndrome
nsync with nausea
bubbling, gurgling, quickening
within collective tum
no doubt alleviated chugging,
guzzling, and quaffing
countless bottles Bacardi rum.

Nothing less at stake than (an ill eagle
feebly clutching cherished symbols - regal
representing land of the free and
home of the brave
analogous to once buoyant seagull
encompassing United States)
metaphorical snooping Beagle
only finding peanuts after landing
discovery (of America) triggering extralegal
imbroglios, which courtesy.

Thank manifest destiny
wrought accursed land grab,
where survival of fittest (think militarily)
nonchalantly, insouciantly actually
quite aggressively did nab
great juicy fruited plain continental slab
to the mountains to the prairies
to the oceans white with foam
where indigenous people
once stood tall and proud
applying contrived accoutrements,
which implements rendered mortally to stab
invaders, hence convenient plug to jibjab,

(while sacreligious lame chap
donning unisexual hijab)
whale within poetic license
to orca straight heady
i.e. think lame muck cab
bra (even garnering groan from
ghost of captain Ahab)
denouncing cheesy pun,
whereby I (Stuart Little) best remain
as caged mouse
subjected to experimentation
within bore writ Tory lab.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
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Not Explicit Content
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to remember that our country is built upon land that we stole from the people that lived here before us.
Is it ours by right of having need? They were doing fine before we got here; we just decided that, as they were heathens
and beneath us in morality, they were less, and deserved to be displaced by our own god. Because we mouth the words
of equality despite differences, we are righteous and hold the higher ground. You have shone the light on an ugly truth,
that most likely will be ignored because it is not germain to our truth. Thanks for being that voice in the wilderness,
best put aside by the moral majority, in order to preserve our image. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Great poem and great assessment I could not have save said what you said!

Our dreams lost! Lost on an ocean of turmoil! Soon a solution will arrive! Until then I will write!

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