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Titanium Tower

regrets fall in rain drops upon the glass window
sitting in retrospect, life on dissect
the thick air conditions my body
into calmness
a mnemonic key
allows me to see
a flash into the past
when life was material and fast
i was all in pretty pictures in pout
walking streets to the beats always out
the filth and power the city nights devour
let alone the view is marvelous from titanium tower
closed then open eyes
self reflections as i look to the skies
a destined gamble, roll of dice
quenching the thirst will never suffice
corporate domination with whisky and ice
drink the money entice the vice
succumbed to the blandishments of convenience
entangled in the toys of science
all wried in reliance
fate in code
racing cars upon the road
red orange green light
go.. nitro unload
head screwed on tight
break fluid on hold
six seconds unfold
all in a rush
six seconds in eternity
back to reality
we can't fool gravity.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Direction): 
[This option has been removed]
Editing stage: 


First time I have seen the use of the word "wried"
and here you break dance us through a vocabulary of sounds
and thoughts that entertain us as we 'drive'...

it makes me gamble and roll, in fact,
in my mind, and in my vision of the tape of sounds
and sights that springs up in the cinema of my head
as I read.

And although the arrangement of it could make it more palatable,
I didn't need any special arrangement,
I took off in it and stayed the ride.

And enjoyed this.
Thank you Nordic cloud.

P.S. the word vri is in Norwegian to twist.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

:) thanks...

Peace love and harmony light the path we must take. - MDT

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