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I'm not in love

I'm not in love
And that is okay
I always say these words
Like I'm trying to recite a poem
And then write it
But I stop there
I say these words with a very empty mind
An empty heart and no emotion at all
For right now, like most of the time
I'm not in my feelings about anyone
I'm not sobbing about anyone
Or dreaming about anyone
It's just me and my very blunt feelings
Not bothered, untampered with
When you feel this way,
Do you call it peace or loneliness?
Personally, I'll say indifference
The absence of feeling and emotion
In split seconds, I'll be feeling a fleeting tiny infatuation
Coming as it goes
You see, I just don't fall in love anymore
Not like I used to
And I'm okay with that

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

This poem effectively conveys a sense of emotional detachment and acceptance of one's current state of mind regarding love. The repetition of "I'm not in love" throughout the poem reinforces this theme and creates a consistent tone. The imagery of reciting a poem but stopping short of writing it adds depth to the speaker's feelings of emptiness and lack of emotional investment. The contrast between feeling indifferent and experiencing fleeting moments of infatuation is well-captured, showcasing the complexity of the speaker's emotional landscape. Consider exploring more vivid imagery or specific examples to further engage the reader and enhance the overall impact of the poem. Additionally, experimenting with varied line lengths or stanza structures could help create a more dynamic flow and add visual interest to the piece.

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