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the ink
off from the
initials I elaborately
designed on my palm
its been a while since I
drew on my skin, as the ink
seeps in I think of you and these
songs playing from these headphones
take me to sacred moments we spent with us
the timeless immortal us, I see myself
fourteen, memories so clear
I see you thirteen and can
still feel you near, your
smile, your eyes, your
smell, in love we fell,
fate, stars and
all the things
so many

years, I want
to tell you but
I can't I just

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Direction): 
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Lucky is the one who stays with 1st true love. Very enjoyable poem. Have you considered breaking the longest line into 3 lines? Seems a bit too much emotion packed into 1..............stan

HI Stan, thanks for your feedback and for the well wishing (lucky is the one....) have a nice day.

Peace love and harmony light the path we must take. - MDT

author comment

This is great ,I liked the sentiments
and the sense of being young,
and the way you put it all...

If you want a shape:-

the ink
off from the
initials I elaborately
designed on my palm
its been a while since I
drew on my skin as the ink
seeps in I think of you and these
songs playing from these headphones
take me to sacred moments we spent with us
the timeless immortal us I see myself
fourteen memories so clear I see
you thirteen and all the things
unsaid, so many poems
about you still

years I want
to tell you but
I can't I just can't.

I tried to make a heart shape but I am not good at this.
I did enjoy the poem though. Nordic cloud.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

thank you so much for appreciating my poem, as well as going through the trouble of reshaping it, it really suits it better and will now take this into account when i write my next poems. I think if i pay more attention to the "mechanics" of poetry, id be able to really make an impact. I guess what i mean is that i need a little polishing.
Thank you Nordic cloud, have a nice day.

Peace love and harmony light the path we must take. - MDT

author comment

I see you used my shape,
poems look and read better sometimes
when they are placed in a good manner,
either in verses or with the right parts in the right places,
but the final shape must then work too.

How aesthetic things make a difference
even if we think the rough things work,
it all depends perhaps too,
on the contents of the poem I suppose,
this was so fragile
and young
and lovely it needed 'something..'

Thank you for the compliment of using my lay out,
now we shall see what 'they' think!

As long as you don't call yourself DDT,
but you didn't so you've got me guessing.

I say from here now, have a good night!!
Nordic cloud.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

very clever visuals

can i suggest another shape to annanya's suggestion?

I want to
tell you
I can't I just can't.

lol - looks more like a leg to me :)
the grammar still works

not that i don't like annanya's
- just another idea

an awesome little write
emits just the right touch of melancholy, and very gently said
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

Nice poem
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