Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Xavier Sleuth

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
poemTwo's Company... Geezer201 year 4 months ago
poemBirth Of A Killer... Geezer192 years 4 months ago
poemThe Walking Man... Geezer152 years 10 months ago
poemPromise... Geezer152 years 10 months ago
poemBetter Days... [East Main St story] Geezer192 years 10 months ago
poemIt Comes And Goes... Geezer122 years 10 months ago
poemWho Lost?... Geezer72 years 10 months ago
poemDumb F#&*... Geezer232 years 10 months ago
poemSummer Skin... Geezer112 years 10 months ago
poemBreaking point... Geezer72 years 10 months ago
poemWhat's Up?... Geezer82 years 10 months ago
poemSir Reality... Geezer112 years 10 months ago
poemDelicious!... Geezer152 years 10 months ago
poemWages of Sloth... Geezer92 years 10 months ago
poemSleepless in Schenectady... Geezer232 years 10 months ago
poemLady Macadam... Geezer172 years 10 months ago
poemEnlightenment... Geezer192 years 10 months ago
poemIt's Only A Dream... Geezer222 years 11 months ago
poemStorm Tossed... Geezer152 years 11 months ago
poemEmotional Rescue... Geezer132 years 11 months ago
poemMind Meld... Geezer52 years 11 months ago
poemJust A Little Cold... Geezer112 years 11 months ago
poemShhhhhhh.... Geezer152 years 11 months ago
poemRipples and Echos... Geezer192 years 11 months ago
poemPoetic Carnage... Geezer162 years 11 months ago
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