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Editing - draft

Oxygen Mask

I wish I could write
about everything I see
the same way I write
about pain and love and fear.

Maybe with practice, it’ll come to me
as easy as the air I breathe.
But for now, I have to wear an oxygen mask.

It's Your Life

Days go slow
Years go fast
Life won't wait
Pain won't last

Joy will come
Dawn will rise
Find your place
Chase the prize

Doubts go away
Dreams come true
Happiness in life
Depends on you

Don't accept defeat
Fight the strife
Carve your path
It's Your Life

A Letter to My Younger Self

Dear inner child,

Come out and see me.

There’s no hiding with me.

You’re in the tree,
Behind the door,
Under the bed,
In the closet,
And I see you.
I know you.

I see the pain
And the anger
And the fear.

I see the joy
The passion
You’ve been hiding for so long.

No one
Will nurture your gifts,
No one
Will see the desire,
No one
Will feel the passion.

It’s just you and me out here,
And that’s enough.

You are thriving
On your own.

No Fear

No more hiding in the darkness
No more saying 'I can't do this'
No more running from mistakes
Be the reason the ground shakes

No more tears in the dead of night
No more hiding, it's time to fight
Don't come up with a negative reason
No more fear, that was last season

No more whispers of not being enough
No more backing up if things get rough
You better strap in if you're in for this ride
Don't just live, it's time for you to be alive

Advice To Our Politicians...

With his feet of melting clay
he steps back from the stream
He trembles with ice-cold fear
no longer living the dream

Scenes of chaos, he shivers
Nothing ever stays the same
His self-worth is now in doubt
mighty, he once was in name

Ohhh, do not fear my good sir
it's only a fluctuation
The world is ever changing
that will be your salvation

Soon, all will be forgotten
we give the devil his due
No matter what your offense
never trace it back to you

No Silence

To me there is no silence,

The constant screaming voices in my head

Thoughts of revenge that plague my dreams

I see things that don't happen, I hear words that are never spoken

To me there is no silence, just the constant violence of life

Though I wish I could make it stop,

The crescendo rises ever higher

It overwhelms me, I cannot cope

The chaos inside my mind, a fire

Some Lines Of Charlie?

I never want to escape the blissful enthrallment,
Of the way thoughts of you lead my spirit to soar,
So this is so yet another of the poetic instalments,
Of how you rock my world every day to the core.

As I dream of you I lie in bliss for hours and hours,
Conversing with your soul awakening my inner self,
Yet predicting the future the card is always the tower,
The fragile foundation of my mental emotional health.

The Big Apple

I’m an old man, once new to this city
An outsider right in its core
This is my story without lasting glory
I was rich but fast became poor

If my life was a book, and this just one page
It would be battered and tattered and torn
Over the years the words would not matter
As the pages got increasingly worn

All this time, I’ve resisted to ask
Why the big apple possesses that name
So, I decided to venture, right into its centre
And the answer I’d hope to ascertain

Fear is Tradition (My Independence Contest)

Where I come from
people are afraid
of both failure and success.

Stagnation is where we all stay.
Get a safe job.
Live in a safe home.
Have a safe family.

No one takes risks
and those that do are
criticized and shamed
into falling back.

I decided to give up.

I gave up my fears.
I took the risk.

Discover Your Place

As we dance life energies flow through our form,
With healing loving essences so blissful and warm,
Replenishing the aura where it is damaged and torn,
Restoring our inner radiance where broken and worn,

The pure hope and freedom resonating in our beings,
Dissolving away the pain and torment that we have seen,
To satisfy the inspiration of our soul is now our only need,
In the dawn of a new tomorrow we plant this fresh seed.


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