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"Just The End" (Lyrics)

"Just The End"
by Ty Drescher

It's been a while since we stopped talking,
got myself a little lost in the distance.
Never was good at this whole love thing
and I'm not asking for another chance

We have known each other for a long, long time
You know I'd never want to hurt you
But being with you feels so wrong, wrong I'm
telling you the truth,
I swear I'm telling you the truth.

And this is why it kills me,
because I know we were meant to part.
I knew from the moment I figured it out
that one day I'd have to break your heart.

It's so hard to tell your best friend
that the beginning was just the end
It was a mistake to hold your hand
because the beginning was just the end
My head wasn't stuck in the sand
I was never meant to be your man,
the beginning was just the end, my friend,
oh-oo, the beginning was just the end.

It would be a lie to say you aren't good enough
because you have loved me perfectly
I love those blue eyes and your beautiful body
but you're just my best friend, you see?

And whenever you're out with another man,
you ask me if I'm jealous,
I tell you that I'm not, because
I'm no better than what you've already got.
No, I'm no better than what you've already got.

And this is why it kills me,
because I know we were meant to be part.
I knew from the moment I figured it out
that one day I'd have to break your heart.

It's so hard to tell your best friend
that the beginning was just the end
It was a mistake to hold your hand
because the beginning was just the end
My head wasn't stuck in the sand
I was never meant to be your man,
the beginning was just the end, my friend,
oh-oo, the beginning was just the end.

Oh-whoa, I'll remember the times we had
like getting drunk
by the lake downtown
Partying every night that we could,
waking up on the floor
of a friend's house.
Oh-whoa, I'll remember the good times
like driving lost
in the middle of nowhere
We didn't know where the hell we were
but we laughed like freakin' idiots
the whole way there.

Yeah, that's what I'll take with me,
good memories.
But man I really hate
the fact that I can't reciprocate
those feelings
And if you want to cut me out,
then I understand completely.
It hurts, but I understand

It's so hard to tell your best friend
that the beginning was just the end
It was a mistake to hold your hand
because the beginning was just the end
My head wasn't stuck in the sand
I was never meant to be your man,
the beginning was just the end, my friend,
oh-oo, the beginning was just the end.

It's so hard to tell your best friend
that the beginning was just the end
It was a mistake to hold your hand
because the beginning was just the end
My head wasn't stuck in the sand
I was never meant to be your man,
the beginning was just the end, my friend,
oh-oo, the beginning was just the end.

And this is why it kills me,
because I know we were meant to...


I never realised you wrote lyrcis? I enjoyed this, the 'stream' is where you will get more comments, the blogs are for the more personal stuff but if you decided this is one you just wanted to post and work on then ok. I hope you enjoy the experience of being on here. I know I am :P

"The perfect woman perpetrates literature as she does a small sin: as an experiment, in passing, to see if anybody notices it - and to makes sure that somebody does." - Nietzsche

Thanks. Yeah this a little personal. And I'm still getting used to the website.

Are we able to delete comments? Cuz I would like to delete a comment I posted below here... it was as a general comment instead of a "reply". I'm a little OCD.


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Thanks. Yeah this is a little personal. I'm still gettng the gist of this website. lol


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You're asking me?? haha I am still finding my way around too...

"The perfect woman perpetrates literature as she does a small sin: as an experiment, in passing, to see if anybody notices it - and to makes sure that somebody does." - Nietzsche

Haven't seen you around here before, so welcome to the site.

Good to see another lyricist around these parts.

I like the honesty of thought behind this lyric. A relationship between two best friends that went further than being just friends and then one of the parties wants to go back to the friendship model which is going to break the other's heart.... i like the whole relationship thing in this.

Nicely done...

Is this something you have already put to music and if so, is there a link to where one might be able to hear this as a song?


Hey! Thank you for commenting. I haven't put this to music, unfortunately. I don't know how to play any instruments. =/ Maybe one day I can change that. =)


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Thank you Rosina. Glad you liked the lyrics and I appreciate the advice about the double comments... I'm new here and I'm still learning the ropes. Lol


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i like this :) i have a horrible time writing lyrics..i mean..i wrote a few before..but they are all boring..slow...naturish..too much imagery..and they don't rhyme..they don't really have the modern pop kind of voice..not really catchy if you know what i mean lol..but i think this lyric would mainstream really well..i can hear it on my radio :) and i think most popular songs out there don't have to be beautiful poems..they tend to focus more on the beat and rhythm which i think you did a great job with here :) AP is i'm here reading your work lol!

Hey Lillian. Lol I'm so glad you're here too. It's good to see familiar people in new places! Anyway, thanks for stopping by... I appreciate it. And I'm so happy you dig the rhythm and beat because that's something I really try to aim for in lyrics! :D


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