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Ann Waddicor April 2012.

How beautiful
how absolutely wonderful
the act of making love
it is the climax of a life

and if it generates a new life
what joy we feel
what wonder at this godly happening
that gives us further generations

its splendour undisputed
its pleasure sure
its essences so sweet
we lack the words
in awe

we sense
express our soul
our core
and for this to be taboo

oh shame on you
you perverts look anew
on what it is you do
and why

it is but loving life like you and I
the I and you becoming one
under the sun
over the moon

the why the earth is round
as life goes on
and we rejoice
that life is still around.

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Ann Waddicor April 2012.

As the sky darkens
and the weight of man descends
the soft warm body of the female condescends
her flow of essences make ready
and in his phallus too the dew of love is generated
and the air is scented by the two

this act once made taboo by ignorance perverse
is shadowed, cloaked plain innocence put in disgrace
fy on the translators of the Bible long ago
who placed instead the serpent as a metaphor you know
whereas that serpent rampant was a symbol of the god
so worshipped in each land even though they were apart

the art of making life is the greatest art that moves us most
its magnitude underestimated, made small
when this is surely the apex of them all.

In all religions, the phallus, the egg and the serpent firstly then the tree, the apple, the lotus, the stone, many symbols exist and existed, both for the male and the female, and why, because this was the most exquisite act man/woman, could take part in in a lifetime. Why do we have to make it seem vulgar or cheap, nasty, even evil, when it is the reason we are here at all?
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page 101.
In Andalusia people say of a person or thing that has some mysterious power attached to it, or rather that can for a brief space of tie call on such a power, that it has '"duende." This can be said, for example, of a bullfighter who has just roused a storm of applause by a succession of miraculous passes with the cape.

It can also be said of a Flamenco singer who at a drinking party goes so far beyond his ordinary powers that his listeners are transported. The "duende"; that is is the personification of the dyonisiac spirit breaking through into action, and since the country is Spain, in a sombre manner. Thus Garcia Lorca reports of a famous gypsy singer Manuel Torres, as saying that all music and singing that " has black sounds in it has "duende."

Another phase of the same sort is tien ángel, "has angel" idiomatic way of saying "has charm or grace." A person can have "mal ángel" and "buen ángel" - that is be a sort of sinister person...he can even be "desángelado, " 'unageled' or colourless. He can also cast a "buena sombra" or a "mala sombre"- good or bad shadow.

All these expressions, which are only part translatable, imply a belief in a supernatural power or mana (Moors-bar aka) which dwells in people and affects their character and capabilities, except that the phrase "tien duende" suggests a ,merely temporary and occasional possession because the "duende" only manifests himself in moments of great emotion.

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Not only in poetry and music, bullfighting and whatever one does to receive the thrill of creating something beyond, other, great; this so called "possession" is the root of all religious fervour, when our minds are raised to an ecstatic height and give us some kind of sense of grace and perfection, joy and permanent harmony with all that exists. This all human beings seem to seek all their lives, that which means the most to them, they find it, of course, in love, "the greatest of these is love." When we understand this of our brains and bodies, then we can see the futility in following patterns set as truths by others, as there is no truth but that we live at all.


I loved this. It must have taken you ages to set down. But of course I learned something and found it extremely intreresting. Thanku Ann


I thought this would bring many comments,
but you came John, thank you,
I find all this fascinating,
perhaps its not the kind of 'food for thought' at Easter!!!!!! :)

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

If you like Flamenco music please try listening to the music of Estrella Morente (especially "Alcazaba" from her album "My Songs & A Poem") ...Beautiful.

ThanX again John

Ma\am .
My policy when wrong
immediately apologise..




I did read but didn't want to comment.
I never fully understand your comments
you twist language for me.
The facts of things I think I know from early on.

I don't think we share the same sense of humour.
I only say something when I feel I want to,
I will say the usual and thank you for commenting.


"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

I am given to understand... by some comments I've just read
you aren't too well
Ma'am Get well soon
I pray
need your lovely way
to entwine and learn poetry
that comes
like quick sand
It does take me...


You say such lovely things about my poetry.
I am not ill, I don't know what gave you that idea, I was in 2010 I suppose, but that was THEN!!!
As far as we know, if one knows, I am healthy and going strong, no body thinks I'm the age I am.
I keep writing nearly every day making one or two poems, so there are many, but not all are worth
putting out here, even to be corrected we choose which ones don't we?
I enjoy commenting a lot, but not unless I have something to say that's worth while saying.
I don't just say that's lovely unless I truly feel it is, and I try my best to help those I feel I can in any way.

I bear no grudges, anyone can say what they like.

Yours Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

hence my concern that you are healthy relieves all pain and dsidain i am myself as usaul once again hope alas not again vain


I must be off my rocker,
as I read someones comments
hence my concern
that you are healthy
relieves all pain
I am myself as usual once again
hope alas
not as much vain....


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